Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Waddell ballpark fields

The phone number posted at the Waddell Park ball fields to check if the fields are OK is 330-544-9055

Friday, July 4, 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Life in Niles Google + @gazemacik (account includes Life in Niles, Kidding Around, Family & Children First Council and personal)


Niles in the News

Links to news reports & newspaper articles-

8/22/13 niles-council-votes-to-oppose-drilling

9/10/13 Tribtoday.council reconsiders ban

4/24 WKBN City Employee charged with Church theft

5/02 WKBN City Employee has theft record

5/06 WKBN investigates-85% Niles ordinances declaring-an-emergency

5/08 Vindy Treasurer Clerk theft

5/28 WKBN Former Clerk answers-to-theft-charges

5/31 Tribune Niles-audit-shows-shortfall--shambles

5/31 Tribune Private-firm-needed-to-straighten-out-Niles-finances.

6/01 Tribune Audits-expected-to-show-utility-funds-in-the-red

6/01 Tribune Records-show-financial-disarray

6/01 Tribune Emails-Show-Cooperation-Lacking

6/07 Tribune Ethics-questioned-on-Niles-auditor-s-salary-swings

6/09 Tribune Niles-taxpayers-lose-waiting-for-state-audits

6/29 Tribune 7000 meters

7/03 Tribune Niles-council-discusses-city-finances 

7/04 Vindi -niles-officials-mull-financial-troubles

7/04 Tribune Niles-council-members-tackle-financial-woes

7/09 Vindicator Can-fiscally-challenged-niles-ward-off-the State 

 7/17 Vindi -Niles-auditor-to-council-communications

 7/18 wfmj Niles-city-council-reinstates-15-percent-income-tax-credit 

7/19 wytv Niles-cracking-down-on-unpaid-utility-bills 

7/24 WKBN -City employees delinquent  

7/24 City-employees-on-list-of-delinquent-utilities

8/06 WYTV city-employees-on-list-of-delinquent-utilities part 2 

8/20 WFMJ former-niles-employee-with-added-theft 

8/21 Tribune Audit due soon

 9/11 WKBN $5million could be saved

9/12 WKBN pdf of State Audit

9/21 Tribune Niles-health-benefits-too--generous

9/25 Vindy Niles City worker charged with theft

10/07 WKBN State Auditor-places-niles-in-fiscal-emergency 

10/08 Vindy Mayor blames water dept deficit 

10/08 contractor-accused-of-tax-evasion 

 10/10 WKBN Unpaid-bill-leads-to-disrupted-911-service

 10/11 Vindy Fiscal-emergency-in-niles-will-demand tough decisions

10/15 Vindy Mayor's office searched 

 12/21 Vindy State-audit-again-finds-problems

12/26 Vindy Severe-lack-of-oversight-lands-Niles back in FE 

1/07 WKBN Timeline to repair finances

1/07 Tribune City to Draft-new-fiscal-plan

1/12 WFMJ Niles-begins-work-to-fix-2-million-financial-deficit

1/16 WFMJ Software-upgrades blamed-for-late-utility-bills

1/22 WKBN Fire cuts tabled

2/19 Vindy mayor-infante-niles-financial-morass-due-low

2/25 Vindy Trumbull-officials-sue-over-water-bill

7/09 Vindy Tax Refunds owed -

Wednesday, July 2, 2014